Walk for Breast Cancer Network Australia
Would you like to make fundraising a part of your walk experience?
You're invited to join any Tasmanian Walking Company Walk and fundraise for Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA). Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation. For the past 25 years, they have worked tirelessly to ensure that all Australians who are affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support.
Walkers can be will be introduced to Melissa Moyle at BCNA to organise fundraising. Mel and the team at BCNA can help you organise your own fundraising page and support you in your fundraising journey.
For all enquiries and bookings please contact Tasmanian Walking Company on (03) 6392 2211 or email bookings@taswalkingco.com.au

Breast Cancer Network Australia
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) was born out of a small group of determined women who wanted to make the breast cancer journey better. When Lyn Swinburne AO founded BCNA her vision was for no one to feel alone through their experience of breast cancer. In 2022, that vision still remains their priority.
BCNA has built a strong and resilient network that brings together over 160,000 individuals. They reach over 70 per cent of Australians newly diagnosed with breast cancer as they advocate for, connect, inform and support them on a journey that nobody wants to take.
At the heart of the network are those at risk, those diagnosed and their supporters. BCNA focuses on the personal impact, uses its voices, does what it can as an organisation to fill gaps, and presses others in power to do the same.
BCNA is committed to supporting the very best care, treatment and support for all Australians affected by breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Network Australia will make sure that nobody goes through breast cancer alone.
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We're here to help 9am – 5pm Monday to Saturday, otherwise, email us anytime and we'll be in touch.